Owners of NYC buildings that require cyclical façade inspections and reports under the FISP rule, must retain a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI: Registered Architect or Professional Engineer) to conduct, oversee and document such inspections, and to prepare and file the FISP technical report.
To avoid penalties, these FISP reports must be filed with NYC DOB within specific 2-year filing windows, depending on the sub-cycle under which the building is classified.
These sub-cycles group buildings according to the last digit of the block number in which they are located.
upcoming cycle
from February 21, 2025 to February 21, 2030
from February 21, 2025 to February 21, 2027 - UPCOMING
for buildings located within blocks ending in 4, 5, 6 or 9
from February 21, 2026 to February 21, 2028 - UPCOMING
for buildings located within blocks ending in 0, 7 or 8
from February 21, 2027 to February 21, 2029 - UPCOMING
for buildings located within blocks ending in 1, 2 or 3